Member-only story
“A Worthless View”
3 words of a worthless view
Used to distort reality while encouraging a mentality in which we’ve been had
When your cash isn’t backed by shit, I can only imagine “What you running for?”
Furthermore, I wonder
The sum of a national debt that will never be paid
Keeping us slaves to the non-existent
Your living simply printed out of thin air, but you swear by a green IOU
Truth given by the descendant of a lineage that built the pyramids
When an evil eye seeks to stare in the blaring light of the Sun, one may go blind
Defined in contradiction
Legal tender meant to be used to pay public as well as private debts
Yet, its total basis
Being created out of the very thing it wishes to satisfy
Oh, I see!
Money equals debt
Debt equals slavery
Does your money equal slavery?
We labor these aches and pains for nothing more than sores, poor standing, and back problems
Over a promise that the US government can’t keep
You’d weep to know the truth
Being used by the mockery of the amusement’s two cents
Choosing to boost a ponzi scheme that reems on a global scale
An economic bubble to swell and burst over a monetary hiccup
Something holding your breath and scare tactics can’t fix