Dennis Wayne Eason (Merc/Mercutio)
Dennis Wayne Eason (Merc/Mercutio)

Hello and welcome to Intricate Rhythm! My name is Dennis Eason, and this page is exclusively all poetry. Since the age of 8, I have aspired to be the best writer/poet that one possibly can be. I have been writing for 24 years, and it has been quite the experience for me. A few years ago, while first meeting my fiance, I took to the stage name "Merc/Mercutio" as I began to do spoken word in Boston, Massachusetts. It ultimately led me to having a 20 minute feature on stage which garnered a pretty decent approval rating from those who were in attendance. For those of you who will read this, I ask that you give feedback to let me know how you like, or dislike what has been written. Whether you like, or dislike, I believe that it is very important for us to communicate and express what we feel at all times. Thank you and I hope you all enjoy! Always remember that "In Rhythm, There Is Love"! Peace and Blessings

Dennis Wayne Eason (Merc/Mercutio)

Dennis Wayne Eason (Merc/Mercutio)

I am a 32 year old poetry writer that has been writing for 24 years (since the age of 8). Writing is my passion and I hope that you enjoy my life's work! Peace